Thanks for visiting my site, I hope you have a pleasant stay. I started this website when I kept getting disappointed in new promising (art) sites soon after joining closing down again for different reasons. I was never really a social media person and trying to please the algorythm on every site was a bother and next to impossible anyway. So I decided to just throw this place together, slowly adding things here and there over time as I try to make up my mind on what to actually use it for.
Last time I really coded anything before this was in ye olde Blogspot days though it was just the looks of it, there was still a whole interface by blogspot to make your blogposts with. After that all I really did was a little bit of playing around with bootstrap on and a chunk of Tailwind tho for some reason that always felt kind of alien to me. This site, too, was coded with bootstrap! For someone who never professionally learned how to code nor really took a deepdive into it it's such a nice way of getting things how you want to. I know that a lot celebrate the older times of the web, not really caring for mobile responsiveness but I do. I don't really care if it's a thing from the new times or whatever, I just want to make this site aesthetically pleasing for myself and that's a part of it.
If you're interested in random blog-like posts then just go to Ramblings for some screaming into the void by me.